Provident Standard


We take product ideas and turn them into reality - our experts guide every step of the product lifecycle journey. 
Enhanced Product Design & Development. 
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Product Development
We work through product ideas to develop a scalable solution. This entails extensive research, consumer testing, concept development and identifying ways to enhance the quality of the customer experience.

With our proprietary product development process we can guarantee that each product that reaches consumers will manifest the highest performance.  

Ensuring the best product ideas take life. 
Product Management
With a new product idea in hand, we ensure that the appropriate planning, forecasting, production and marketing of each product takes place. 

As products vary in their position in the product lifecycle, we ensure we are working with the best people, processes and data systems. 

Strategically driving development, market launch & support.
Transforming a product plan into an actual product takes precision. Identifying and collaborating with only the best factories in the world, we ensure exceptional engineering skills are put into practice. 

The diverse portfolio of products that we manage empowers us with an in-depth knowledge of the technologies, benefits and limitations of each manufacturing process.  This allows us to ensure that only the best factories, with the right technology, are used to manufacture products for our customers. 

Only the best for our customers. 
Quality Control
We travel the world to inspect our suppliers' facilities and processes to ensure the highest quality products are manufactured and placed into the consumer's hands.

Some might think it’s obsessive to conduct such extensive testing on our products. We agree. We are absolutely obsessed with creating the highest quality products available on the market today.  

Only the best will pass through our doors to yours. 
With our extensive systems we can ensure we know the status of our inventory in real time.  By doing so we can guarantee you can always have your product when you want it, every time you want it.

With our paperless systems we ensure our cargo is connected to the worldwide network of logistics, ensuring quicker response and turnaround times getting cargo from the manufacturer to the customer's hands. 

Data-driven tools that help our customers.
Brand Management
The customer's brand experience is just as important to us as the product itself. The brand experience that we build with our customers is far beyond a logo and colors.  Our marketing team strives to connect with our customers by offering the right mix of products and services.  

Our philosophy is that products should reinforce the brand and it's promise, not the other way around.

Creating a great experience. 
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